Common Sense


Natural units makes the calculation of neutrinos convinient. The consequences are

  1. The energy-mass-momentum relations becomes E^2 = p^2 + m^2. Thus mass m, momentum \mathbf p and energy E have the same units.
  2. Angular momentum in quantum mechanics is L_z = m\hbar where m is a number. \hbar is of unit angular momentum.
  3. A plane wave in quantum mechanics is \Psi = A e^{ \frac{E t - p x}{\hbar} }. \frac{E t - p x}{\hbar} should be unitless, which means px has unit angular momentum, which is obvious, while E t also has the unit of angular momentum. Previously we noticed momentum has the same unit with energy, we should have time t has the same unit as length x. Also we can conclude that length and time has the unit of 1/E.

One should notice that charge is unit 1 in natural units since

F = \frac{Qq}{4\pi r^2}.

The conversion between natural units and SI can be down by using the following relations.

1 \mathrm{GeV} &= 5.08 \times 10^{15} \mathrm {m^{-1}} \\
1 \mathrm{GeV} &= 1.8\times 10^{-27} \mathrm{kg}